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Today's Phrase [여기는 4주 10분 3만원대의 수...
Today's Phrase
Find the Meaning in the Context
<Context & Usage> synonym
: fix, make new, give back
* build up
ex) Increase, strengthen, develop toward, as in The sound built up until it was nearly deafening, or His argument was building up to a grand climax.
* reinstate
ex) Under Johnson, the chain alienated customers by doing away with discounts and sales, only to reinstate them after sales plummeted.
* renew
ex) Yet when the ceasefire ended, and Israel offered to renew, Hamas started the war again.
* renovate
ex) That's especially true given that MSG has committed around $850 million to renovate the Garden.
* revivify
ex) But the biologist cannot devitalize a plant or an animal and revivify it again.
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