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Today's Phrase [4주 10분 3만원대의 수강료만...
Today's Phrase 
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<Context & Usage> synonym
: hold in high regard
* adore
ex) Think, really think, and try to remember an SNL political sketch from the last five years that you really adored.
* eulogize
ex) Eulogizing Vidal was to eulogize the now long-gone epoch he typified.
* revere
ex) He buttonholed revered Athenians, everyone from poets to generals, and soon discovered they were not as wise as they thought they were.
* marvel
ex) I have a great relationship with the Marvel team, and the character of Heimdall.
* extol
ex) "Usually, when they publish a commentary, it's to extol the study, or show how it's advanced the field," DeStefano says.
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