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Today's Phrase [4주 10분 3만원대의 수강료만...
Today's Phrase
Find the Meaning in the Context
<Context & Usage> synonym
: opinion, principle
* attitude
ex) Without much thought, I carried this attitude over into my work.
* axiom
ex) Gödel’s main maneuver was to map statements about a system of axioms onto statements within the system — that is, onto statements about numbers.
* creed
ex) Regardless of race or creed—in many cases, regardless
* dogma
ex) For Japan, part of the protective dogma has been the idea that the virus is spread most perniciously when people speak loudly or shout.
* canon
ex) Ai and his companion Estraven spend much of the novel trekking across a desolated and dangerous ice sheet, in scenes that would fit in among the best of the outdoor adventure canon.
Refer to :
http://www.dictionary.com/ & https://www.thesaurus.com/
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