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Today's Phrase [4주 10분 3만원대의 수강료만...

Today's Phrase


Find the Meaning in the Context


<Context & Usage> synonym



: start over, refurbish


* continue


ex) They continue to hold events and run advertisements focused on this theme.



* extend


ex) At some point, show creator Mark Burnett made the diabolical decision to extend the show to 120 minutes.



* prolong


ex) Unnecessarily prolong its impact upon children’s education, health and emotional well-being, and equitable access to opportunities for development and social success.



* brace


ex) He doesn’t have nerve function, which is why he has foot drop and has to wear a brace to help him overcome it.



* exhilarate


ex) He readily assented to the plan, which, for some reason, appeared to amuse and exhilarate her.




Refer to : 

http://www.dictionary.com/ & https://www.thesaurus.com/

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