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Today's Phrase [4주 10분 3만원대의 수강료만...

Today's Phrase


Find the Meaning in the Context


<Context & Usage> synonym



: assign to source


* attribute 


ex) Dresses are certainly not taken as seriously as traditional sporting attire, despite their objectively positive attributes, like breathability and mobility.



* impute


ex) As a former rock critic, Ms. Maslin should know better than to impute bad intent here.



* accredit


ex) The president then made a recess appointment, and I went to my post fully accredited.



* charge


ex) Cohen had already pleaded guilty to those charges, so they ended up standing.



* refer


ex) One thing I do to respect the people who want to keep hip hop ‘sacred’ is refer to myself as rap-cabaret.




Refer to : 

http://www.dictionary.com/ & https://www.thesaurus.com/

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