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Today's Phrase [4주 10분 3만원대의 수강료만...

Today's Phrase


Find the Meaning in the Context


<Context & Usage> synonym



: main, essential


* central


ex) It drains your body of nutrients and vitamins, attacking the central nervous system and leaving you in a dehydrated, hazy state.



* cardinal


ex) His latest pronouncement supporting civil unions is a rehashed stance as cardinal in Argentina.



* chief


ex) If all that weren’t enough, Dalio lost an arbitration fight with ex-staffers, is feuding with his former co-chief executive and has axed dozens of employees.



* dominant


ex) The sharply tailored blazer and weighty jewelry that cling to her body hints at the dominant personality she possesses.



* first


ex) Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme.




Refer to : 

http://www.dictionary.com/ & https://www.thesaurus.com/

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