> 매일영어 > 오늘의 작문

작성일 : 20-12-03 17:48
12.3 수업복습
 글쓴이 : 김은비
조회 : 518  
1. It's about time. The bread was bake in the oven. 
2. My parents are in love so they are married.
3. He planed to proposal to get married with girl friend.
4. She want to buy new car, but she can't affored it. 
5. The coat cost an arm and leg, so I can't buy it.
6. He saved up, so he gave presents to his parents. 
7. At long last, my friend got a job. 
8. My cousin tied the knot in November. 
9. He was study hard. When he pass the exam, he was in seventh heaven.