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Everybody deals with peer pressure. When we think about peer pressure, we often imagine only the negative aspects of it. However, there can be some positive effects that peer pressure can have on people. Is peer pressure a good thing? Let’s find out.
Constructive Debater 1 Taewon
Peer pressure can have many harmful effects on individuals, especially students. It is very obvious that minors can be driven to create harmful circumstances for themselves or do harmful activities because their peers urge them to. Some may end up blindly following what others do without realizing the full range of consequences. The negative effects of peer pressure are not limited to young people. It can easily drive adults to their undoing. Peer pressure at the workplace can lead to performance issues, and negative influences can lead some to bad habits, or it can put people off their goals.
Constructive Debater 2 whabi
While the term “peer pressure” usually holds a negative connotation, there are many advantages. It is true that peer pressure may lead you to make poor choices, but it can also inspire you to emulate others’ good habits and actions. The actions of a group can provide a standard that makes one perform positive actions. Continuous imitation and repetition of these actions can eventually lead to a permanent change in your character. Also, when you are worried about what others think of you, it naturally leads to more empathy, which can help you to become a more emotionally flexible individual.
Rebuttal Debater 1 taewon
People are walking down a dangerous path when they start to get influenced by others. They may even begin to change their habits and actions based on their friends’ actions. Trying too hard to identify with a certain group may end up changing one’s life direction and goals. For example, people may give up what they are passionate about because they feel the need to “grow up” and pursue a “real career,” like their friends. This may rob the world of the next Picasso or the next Mozart. Also, the excessive need for social acceptance may lead to significant adversity as well as mental and emotional issues.
Rebuttal Debater 2 whabi
Yes, blindly following others and being easily swayed can potentially be disastrous. But, life is short. Why dwell on the negatives when you can decide to focus on the positive effects that others can have on you? If you can learn to discern right from wrong, which most of us have the ability to do, then peer pressure will go a long way in helping you to succeed in order to enjoy what life has to offer you. Your friends, your mentors, and even your rivals can push and motivate you to strive to be the best version of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Judge’s Comments
The two debaters have brought up great points. Peer pressure can be bad, but we can see that it has its benefits, too. Is peer pressure ultimately bad? Do some research and let me know what you think!